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Daring to be ALL of you

1. Unlocking the past

2. Streamlining the flow

3. Personal life rules


Living your best life isn't a dream but it can feel very far away. It's a common misconception to think you can ignore your past. You can't. You can try and you may even get away with it for many years but at some point it will catch up with you. So what do I mean by your past catching up with you?

Well do you remember when......?


It's the seemingly little things and the very big life events that play a role in how you stand in your current life. If we go back as far as birth - were you expected or unexpected? Were you welcomed with open arms, did you feel loved? That is just a start. The role of siblings, family values, community and so many other systems play a role in how you see yourself.


When something happens you react according to how you are conditioned to react. It isn't until much later in life that you can recognise that some elements of your life may not have been 'helpful' to you.


When you are rational about understanding other peoples behaviour, there's a good chance you are not taking your own feelings seriously. When you don't take yourself seriously, why do you expect others to take you seriously?


Take the first step and be aware of what is truly going on in your life.

If you are willing to work with me, to take the next step I offer a 3 part package.

The first session is an assessment of where you are now, what is going on in your life and the journey you've made so far. In 1 and ½ hours we'll delve into your past, look at the initial patterns and concentrate on what you need.


The second session is 2 to 3 weeks later and is aimed at processing what has come up. The real work happens when you go home. You start to process, to open up to your own life. Emotions and feelings can come up that leave you feeling shaky, feeling kind of strange. This is a normal part of the process and will help you really move forward but may also leave you feeling extra vulnerable. As more things than you imagine may come up, the second session is geared towards streamlining that - to visualise your patterns.


The third session is 2 and 3 weeks after the second session. Depending on where you are and what has happened in the processing time this is for how you can deal with situations that arise where you would normally fall back into your negative pattern of behaviour or self sabotage. When you learn new behaviour it takes practice. When you see the benefits, you will be motivated as you take back your won personal power.






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