Unlocking your future with drawings
Breaking your pattern
You know when life starts to go faster, much faster, like being on a train you can't get off and you can't seem to reach the engine room? When you feel out of control, you often give your personal power to others so that you react based on a repetition of reactions you have already experienced and "allow" others to influence how you feel. When you feel stuck and are not taking care of you with the right amount of rest, healthy nourishment and healthy habits you are in a pattern.
What if you could take back your personal power using simple drawings?
Recognising your own unique feelings is at the heART of reclaiming personal power. When you allow someone else to make you feel frustrated, angry, upset or not seen for example it resonates with a deep feeling you already have about yourself (yes I know - sometimes difficult to imagine) and when you start to explore this and analyse it you release the energy associated with a certain feeling. Using art is the easiest way to tap into the subconscious to find out where the patterns originate.
Intelligent rationalisation
When you are intelligent you are extremely capable of rationalising a situation. Let's say a past situation had a huge impact on you, for example a close family member reacted in way that hurt you. You can repress those feelings by understanding that the person in question never meant to hurt you (which is usually true) so you can forgive them because the situation was awful and there was nothing they can do. But what you don't do is acknowledge that you felt hurt and recognise where it came from.
The magic of drawing
Drawing unlocks our subconscious whether we want it to or not.

I wanted to understand me!
I'm Carol Greenshields,
International Change Coach
and Psychologist
Until 2014 I didn't really believe I had to change! I knew I had unhealthy patterns of behaviour that would creep up on me and still know how to surprise me but I learnt to deal with it.
When I started to become over emotional with emotions I couldn't place and even experienced physical pain, I knew I had to do something.